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Tuesday 21 September 2021

The Periodic Table MCQs ICSE CHEMISTRY

The Periodic Table ICSE CHEMISTRY MCQs


Choose the correct option from A, B, C and D

Questions 1-5(only) based on the table given below










Period -2









Period -3









Period -4









Question 1

The element with largest atom:

A) K

B) L

C) Mg

D) T

 Question 2

The valency of the element L:

A) 1-

B) 8

C) does not show  valency

D) 1+

 Question 3

An element with 6 electrons in its L-shell

A) L

B) F

C) A

D) X

 Question 4

Which of the followings shows a negative valency?

A) A

B) X

C) T

D) X

 Question 5

The element ‘Z’ -

A) is metallic in nature

B) is non-metallic in nature

C) shows both metallic and non-metallic properties

D) is a noble gas

 Question 6

Electronegativity _________ across a period and _________ down a group in The Periodic Table:

A) increases, increases

B) increases, decreases

C) decreases, increases

D) remains same, decreases

 Question 7

Element ‘X’ belongs to group 2 and Element ‘Y’ belongs to group VIIA then:

i) The formula of the compound between them is XY2

ii) Y is electronegative and X is electropositive in nature

iii) The bond between them is covalent in nature

iv) The atomic size of Y < the atomic size of X

A)    i) only

B)    i) and ii) only

C)    i) , iv) only

D)    i) , ii) and iv) are correct and iii) is incorrect

 Question 8

Which set is correct in the following sets?

A) He – highest I.P, F – Highest E.N, Cl – highest E.A

B) F – highest I.P, F – Highest E.N, Cl – highest E.A

C) He – highest I.P, F – Highest E.N, F – highest E.A

D) He – highest I.P,Cl – Highest E.N, F – highest E.A

 Question 9

From left to right in a period in The Periodic Table:

A) Atomic size increases

B) Nuclear pull on the valence electrons increases

C) E.N value decreases

D) Metallic character increases


 Question 10

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A) Elements of group 2 show valency 2+

B) The tendency to lose electrons increases from left to right across a period.

C) The elements with similar properties are placed in the group.

D) The number of valence electrons remains same in a group.

Question 11

The periodic property which decreases across a period:

A) Electronegativity

B) Electron affinity

C) Ionization potential

D) Metallic character


Question 12

The element with highest electron affinity :

A) Fluorine

B) Chlorine

C) Helium

D) Bromine


Question  13

Which of the following statements is incorrect about Alkali metals?

A) possess 7 valence electrons

B) show valency 1+

C) belong to group 1

D) lose electron easily


Question 14

Find the odd one out of the following elements:

A) Beryllium

B) Magnesium

C) Sodium

D) Calcium


Question 15

An element with electronic configuration 2,8,6:

A) has 6 shells and 6 valence electrons

B) belongs to period 3 and group 6

C) belongs to period 3 and group 16

D) has 3 shells and 3 valence electrons


Question 16

The valency shown by the most electronegative element in each period of the Periodic table is:

A) 1-

B) 2-

C) 1+

D) 4-


Question 17

Arrange the elements K, Li, Rb, Na in the decreasing order of the tendency to lose the electron from its valence shell:

A) Rb > Li > Na > K

B) K > Li > Na > Rb

C) Rb > Na > K > Li

D) Rb > K > Na > Li


Question 18

The valency of an element which belongs group 2:

A) 1+

B) 2+

C) 2-

D) 2+ and 2-


Question 19

Suitable statement/s pertaining to atomic radius:

(i) The distance between the centre of the nucleus of an atom and the outermost shell in n atom

(ii) decreases across a period

(iii) increases down a group

(iv) it does not affect the nuclear pull on the valence electrons


A) only (i) is correct

B) (i) and (ii) are correct

C) (i) , (ii) , (iii) are correct

D) all (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct

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