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Thursday, 28 October 2021

ICSE CLASS 10 ELECTROLYSIS Multiple Choice Questions - MCQs for Practice



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Electrolysis MCQs - ICSE CHEMISTRY

Choose the correct answer from A, B, C and D for each of the following statements.

Question 1

The presence of the following is mandatory for the conduction of electric current though an electrolyte:

A) electrons

B) ions

C) molecules

D) free ions


Question 2

Which of the following statements is true about a strong electrolyte?

A) undergoes partial dissociation

B) undergoes complete dissociation

C) does not undergo dissociation

D) does not conduct electricity in its aqueous solution


Question 3

Arrange these cations in the decreasing order of their tendency to get reduced Mg2+, Cu2+, Ag1+, Zn2+

A) Mg2+ > Cu2+ > Ag1+ > Zn2+

B) Mg2+ > Zn2+> Cu2+  > Ag1+

C) Ag1+ >  Cu2+ > Zn2+ > Mg2+  

D) Ag1+ <  Cu2+ < Zn2+ < Mg2+  


Question 4

An example of inert electrode

i) Graphite

ii) Nickel

iii) Silver

iv) Copper



Question 5

The selective discharge of ions does not depend on

A) concentration of ions

B) position of the ion in the electro-chemical series

C) electrolyte

D) nature of the electrode


Question 6

Which of the following ions is called a spectator ion?

A) Chloride ion

B) hydroxide ion

C) sulphate ion

D) Bromide ion


Question 7

The anode used in the electrolysis of fused Lead bromide

A) Iron

B) Graphite

C) Copper
D) Silver



Question 8

The electrolyte added to water during the  electrolysis of water:

A) dil. Hydrochloric acid

B) dil. Sulphuric acid

C) dilute Nitric acid

D) Conc. HCl


Question 9

When acidified water is electrolysed using platinum electrodes ________ gas is released at cathode and __________ gas at  anode in the ratio _______ by volume.

A)    Oxygen, Hydrogen, 2:1

B)    Hydrogen, Oxygen, 1:2

C)    Hydrogen, Oxygen, 2:1

D)    Oxygen, Hydrogen, 1:2



 Which of the following statements is not true about the cathode in electrolysis process?

A) Reduction electrode

B) attracts cations
C) accepts electrons from cation

D) donates electrons to cation


Question 11

A weak electrolyte:


A) Fused Lead bromide

B) Aqueous solution of Sodium chloride

C) dilute Acetic acid

D) Sugar solution


Question 12

During electrolysis of Copper sulphate solution using Copper electrodes

i) blue colour of the solution fades

ii) pinkish brown coating on cathode

iii) anode diminishes in size

iv) cations discharged at cathode are replaced by anode


A) i) only correct

B) i) and ii) are correct

C) ii) and iii) are correct

D) i) is incorrect and rest all are correct


Question 13

The ions present in acidified water during electrolysis:

A) H+ , OH1-

B) H1+, OH1- and SO42-

C) H1+ and SO42-

D) H+ only


Question 14

The ion which gets discharged at cathode during the electrolysis of Conc. Sodium chloride:

A) Sodium ion

B) Hydrogen ion

C) Chloride ion

D) Hydroxyl ion


Question 15

During electro-refining a metal that the anode is made of:

A) pure block of the metal

B) impure block of the metal

C) impure sheet of the metal

D) pure sheet of the metal


Question 16

Anode reaction in electrolysis of Copper sulphate solution using  Copper electrodes:

A) Cu2+ + 2e- à Cu

B) 2H+ + 2e- à H2

C) Cu – 2e- à Cu2+

D) 4OH- - 4e- à O2 + 2H2O


Question 17

Which of the following compounds can conduct large amounts of electric current through their aqueous solutions?

A) Sodium chloride

B) Ammonium hydroxide

C) Alcohol

D) Sodium bicarbonate


Question 18

The electrolyte preferred in the electroplating an article with Silver

A) Silver chloride

B) Sodium Argento (Silver) Cyanide

C) Silver nitrate

D) Silver sulphate


Question 19

During electrolysis process the electrons lost by the cathode is ________  the electrons gained by the anode.

A) equal to

B) less than

C) greater than

D) independent of


Question 20

Electroplating is the process in which an _______ metal is coated on a __________ metal.

A) inert, expensive

B) expensive, baser

C) baser, inert

D) active, inert

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