ICSE CHEMISTRY Sulphuric acid worksheet 1
Answer the following questions pertaining to the Contact process.
i) Name the acid prepared in this
ii) Name the mineral of Iron and
Sulphur used to prepare Sulphur dioxide.
iii) Write the balanced equation
for the catalytic oxidation reaction.
iv) Which gas is oxidized in the
above reaction?
v) State any two conditions for
the above reaction.
b) Sulphuric acid is dibasic acid
and it produces _________________ salt and _____________ salt with bases.
c) Complete and balance the
i) Zn + H2SO4 ⟶ __________ + __________
ii) CuO + H2SO4⟶ __________ + __________
iii) Na2S +
H2SO4 ⟶ _________ + ___________
d) Choose the property from A, B,
C, D and E shown by the Sulphuric acid in the following reactions/.
A) Non-volatile acid B) Drying agent C) Dehydrating agent D) dil. Acid
E) Oxidizing agent.
i) H2SO4 +
CuO ⟶ ________ + ___________
ii) Cu + H2SO4 ⟶ _________ + __________ + ___________
iii) NaCl + H2SO4 ⟶ __________ + ___________
e) Differentiate between i) dil
HCl and dil. H2SO4
dil. HNO3 and dil. H2SO4
f) State your observations, along
with balanced equations, when Conc. H2SO4 is:
i) added to sugar crystals
ii) Blue Copper sulphate crystals
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