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ICSE CHEMISTRY Class 10 SEMESTER 2 MCQs 1 with solutions

1. Hydrogen chloride gas is dried using __________.

A) Conc. H2SO4         B) Conc.HNO3              C) CaO                     D) CaCl2

2. The suitable pressure in Haber’s process to prepare Ammonia from Nitrogen and Hydrogen is:

A) 20atm                     B) 200-900atm              C) 1-2atm                 D) 10-100atm

3. The oxidized product formed when Sulphur is treated with Conc.H2SO4

A) SO2                        B) S                                C) SO3                      D) H2S

4. The salt formed when dil.H2SO4 reacts with insufficient Sodium hydroxide:

A) Na2SO4                  B) NaHSO4                    C) MgCl2                  D) NaCl

5. Conc. HNO3 is a strong __________ agent.

        A) Oxidising                   B) drying                        C) reducing              D) dehydrating

6. Which of the following compound is not suitable for the preparation Ammonia by heating with an alkali?

A) Ammonium sulphate

B) Ammonium chloride

C) Ammonium nitrate

D) Ammonium sulphate and Ammonium chloride

7. This is not an organic acid

A) Tartaric acid           B) Citric acid                 C) Carbonic acid    D) Acetic acid

8. A reddish brown gas :

A) H2S                        B) NO2                           C) CO2                     D) Cl2

9. A non-volatile acid:

A) HNO3                     B) H2SO4                       C) HCl                     D) H2SO3

10. The gas released when dil. acids react with metal carbonates

A) H2S                        B) CO2                           C) Cl2                       D) SO2 

11. Which of the following is not a strong base

A) NaOH                    B) LiOH                         C) Zn(OH)2             D) KOH

12. Which one of the following statement does not describe the property of alkenes.

A) Unsaturated Hydrocarbons                     B) Undergo addition reactions

C) Undergo substitution reaction             D) decolourizes Bromine water

13. The organic compound which gives a white precipitate with Ammoniacal Cuprous chloride.

A) Ethyne                   B) Ethene                                      C) Ethane               D) Ethylene

14. The general formula CnH2n represents _____________

A) Alkanes                                    B) Alkenes                  C) Alkynes            D) Alcohols.

15. Which of the following is not an oxidizing agent?

        A) Conc. H2SO4              B) Conc. HNO3             C) Conc. HCl     D) MnO2

16. A gas which is obtained in the catalytic oxidation of Ammonia in excess Oxygen.

A) Nitric oxide            B) Nitrogen dioxide         C) Ammonia         D) HCl

17. The hydrocarbon having this type of bond gives test for unsaturation:

A) –OH                       B) –C –C –                  C) –C–O–C–            D) –C=C–

18. The gas produced when dil. Nitric acid is added to Copper metal:

A) N2                                   B) NO                                 C) NO2                            D) N2O

19. An example of monobasic acid:

A) Acetic acid

B) Sulphuric acid

C) Phosphoric acid

D) Pyrosulphuric acid

20. The catalyst used in Haber’s process.

A) Manganese dioxide

B) Platinum

C) Iron

D) Vanadium pentoxide