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Sunday 6 March 2016




Section I (40 Marks)
Answer all the questions
Question 1
a) Choose the correct answers from the words given below                                                      5M
(HCl, Ag(NH3)2Cl, H2SO4, V2O5, N2, O2)
i)        A salt obtained on reaction of a metallic chloride with Ammonia.
ii)      The gas liberated when Ammonia is passed over heated PbO.
iii)    The acid formed when Conc. HNO reacts with Sulphur.
iv)    The catalyst used in the preparation of Sulphur trioxide from SO2  in contact process.
v)      A gas which undergoes ionization completely when dissolved in water.
b)   Match the following.                Example-   vi-F                                                                   5M

i)   Inert electrode
ii)  The ions which impart acidic nature to
an acid
iii) Emulsifier
iv) Aqua regia
v)  A non-volatile acid
vi) A basic gas

A) Hydronium ions
B) Liquor ammonia
C) Conc. HNO3 + Conc. HCl
D) Iron
E) Conc.HCl
F) Ammonia
G) Conc. H2SO4

c) Select the correct answers from the words given below:                                                     10M

i)           Ni -  2e- à Ni2+  is _______________ reaction.
A) an oxidation               B) a reduction                C) Redox                 D) synthesis
ii)         An active electrode
A) Iron                             B) Platinum                    C) Carbon                D) Copper
iii)       The electrolyte used in the electroplating of an article with Silver:
A) AgNO3                       B) Na[Ag(CN)2]            C) AgCl2                  D) KNO3
iv)       Which of the following cation is reduced most readily:
A) Mg2+                           B) K1+                            C) Al3+                     D) Cu2+
v)         Sodium hydroxide solution is a __________
A) strong electrolyte        B) weak electrolyte        C) poor electrolyte   D) non electrolyte
vi)       Which of the following compounds liberates reddish brown vapours at anode during its electrolysis?
A)aq. NiSO4                    B) aq.CuSO4                  C) PbBr2 fused         D) aq. PbBr2
vii)     Hydrogen chloride gas is dried using __________.
A) Conc. H2SO4              B) Conc.HNO3              C) CaO                     D) CaCl2
viii)   The suitable pressure in Haber’s process to prepare Ammonia from Nitrogen and Hydrogen is:
A) 20atm                         B) 200-900atm               C) 1-2atm                 D) 10-100atm
ix)       The oxidized product formed when Sulphur is treated with Conc.H2SO4
A) SO2                             B) S                                C) SO3                      D) H2S
x)         The salt formed when dil.H2SO4 reacts with insufficient Sodium hydroxide:
A) Na2SO4                       B) NaHSO4                    C) MgCl2                  D) NaCl

d) Study the picture given and match A,B,C,D and E with the options given the brackets.
(Copper sulphate, Iron(II) sulphate, Zinc sulphate, Iron(III) chloride, Lead nitrate)                5M

e) Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                                                   5M
i)        Non-polar covalent compounds are _________ (non/good) electrolytes.
ii)      Ammonia reduces to Chlorine to ____________( Hydrogen chloride/Sodium chloride)
iii)    ____________ (Platinum/Iron) is used as a catalyst in the manufacture of Nitric acid by Ostwald’s process.
iv)    HCl gas is ____________ (lighter/heavier) than air.
v)      H2SO4 is a ____________ (deliquescent/hygroscopic) liquid.

f) Correct the following sentences.                                                                                            5M
i)        In an electrolysis anions migrate to cathode and cations migrate to anode.
ii)      Phenolphthalein solution changes its colour from Orange to pink on passage of Hydrogen chloride gas through it.
iii)    Ammonium hydroxide is also known as liquid ammonia.
iv)    Nitric acid is prepared from atmospheric Nitrogen.
v)      Conc. H2SO4 is a reducing agent.

g) Identify the gases A,B,C,D and E depending on the description given.                             5M
i) Gas ‘A’ rekindles a glowing splint.
ii) Acidified Potassium dichromate changes its colour from orange to clear green when gas
   B is passed through it.
iii) When Starch Iodide paper is exposed to gas C, it turns to blue black.
iv) ‘D’is a basic gas which turns Nessler’s reagent to brown.
v) Gas “E” has rotten egg smell.
Section II (40 Marks)
Answer any four of the following questions
Question 2
Answer the questions a, b and c on the basis of the electrolysis of Copper sulphate solution using Copper electrodes.
a)      i)At which electrode oxidation reaction takes place
ii) Write the electrode reactions at anode and cathode.
iii) The nature of the electrodes is active/inert.
b)      i) Name the pink metal that deposits at cathode.
ii)Give reason why the colour of the electrolytic solution does not fade in this electrolysis.
c)      i) Give reason why Copper sulphate is a good electrolyte but Copper is a nonelectrolyte.
ii) Define the term Electrolysis.
iii) What is an inert electrode.
iv) The amount of electricity flown through an electrolytic solutions depends on the
concentration/nature ions.
Question 3
Answer the questions a, b and c on the basis of the electrolysis of molten Lead bromide using graphite electrodes.
a)      i) State the observation at anode during the electrolysis of fused PbBr2.
ii) Write the balanced equation for the electrode reaction at anode.
iii) Name the products at anode and cathode.
b)      Give reason: i) Lead bromide is taken in fused state
ii) The electrolytic cell is made of silica
iii) Lead bromide is taken in fused state
c)      Define the terms i) Electroplating ii) Electrorefining iii) electrometallurgy.
Question 4
a)      Name the gases evolved when dil.HCl reacts with
i) Metal carbonates         ii) Iron sulphide              iii) Calcium metal.
b)      State the observations seen when:
i) Dil. HCl is added to AgNO3 solution
ii) A glass rod dipped in NH4OH solution is exposed to Conc.HCl
iii) The clour change in the fountain experiment using HCl gas.

c) Complete and balance the equations
i) HCl         _____ + ______
ii) HCl + _______ à NH4Cl
d) Give reason why:
i)  HCl is not dried using Quick lime.
ii) In the preparation of HCl gas from Conc.H2SO4 the temperature is maintained below 2000C
Question 5
a) Name the following
i) The gas produced when Ammonia reacts with excess Chliorine.
ii) The gas produced when Ammonium salts are heated with an alkali.
iii) The gas which burns with green flame in the atmosphere of Oxygen.
b) i) Write the balanced for the preparation of Ammonia by Haber’s process.
ii) State the catalyst used and the temperature required for the above reaction.
iii) Which property of Ammonia is proved using fountain experiment.
c) Give reason why :
i) Ammonium nitrate is not used in the preparation of Ammonia on heating with an alkali.
ii) Ammonia gas is not dried over Conc.H2SO4
iii) The mixture of Nitrogen and Hydrogen used in the Haber’s process must be from the
gases like CO, CO2 , H2S
iv) Ammonia gas is not collected over water.
Question 6
a) State the observations seen when
i) Lead nitrate is heated strongly
ii) Copper is heated with conc.Nitric acid
b) i) Complete and balance the following equation
Cu(NO3)2  ____ +_____ + ______
ii) Name the gas released other than NO2 when Conc.HNO3 is treated with Carbon.
iii) Name the process by which Sulphuric acid is prepared in large scale.
iv) Which property of Conc. H2SO4 accounts for its use as a dehydrating agent.
c) State the observation seen when Conc.H2SO4 added to:
i) Sugar crystals.
ii) Blue hydrated copper sulphate
d) i) Identify the role played by Conc. Sulphuric acid in the following reaction.
C2H5OH  C2H4 + H2O
ii) How do you distinguish dil.H2SO4 from dil. HNO3.

a)      i)State the change noticed during the electrolysis of aq. Copper sulphate using platinum electrodes.
ii) Complete and balance the following equations
NiSO4             _____ + ______
PbBr2                 _____ + ______
b)      Give reasons
i) Give reason why the electrolysis of acidulated water is considered to be an example
of catalyst.
ii)During the electrolysis of an article with an expensive metal the article is always
made cathode.
iii)A.C current should not be passed through an electrolytic solution during the
iv) Metals like Na, K and Al are extracted by only electrolysis.
c)      i) Give a balanced equation for the laboratory preparation of HCl gas from Conc.H2SO4.
ii) State the observation seen when CuS is treated with dil.HCl.

iii) Name any two gases which can used in the study of Fountain experiment.

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