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Sunday 6 March 2016




Section I (40 Marks)
Answer all the questions
Question 1
a) Choose the correct answers from the words given below                                                      5M
(calcination, NaOH, Magnetic separation, Al(OH)3, Zinc, Roasting, Aqua regia)
i)        The suitable method for concentration of Iron ore.
ii)      Conversion of sulphides into metal oxides in presence of air.
iii)    The chemical used to remove impurities from Bauxite ore in Baeyer’s process.
iv)    Distillation refining is suitable for the refining of this metal.
v)      A mixture of 3 vol. of Conc. HCl and 1 vol. of Conc.HNO3 .
b)   Match the following.                Example-   vi-A                                                                   5M

i)   A simple whole number ratio
ii)  The metal used in thermite welding
iii) An insoluble salt
iv) The process of heating concentrated
ore in the absence of air.
v)  An insoluble base
vi) A strong acid

A) Hydrochloric acid
B) AgCl
C) Empirical formula
D) Al(OH)3
E) Aluminium
F) Roasting
G) Calcination

c) Select the correct answers from the words given below:                                                     10M

i)           The metal which is a poor conductor of electricity:
A) Copper                        B) Aluminium                C) Gold                    D) Tungsten
ii)         Which of the following acts as a strong oxidizing agent
A) Conc. HNO3               B) dil.H2SO4                  C) dil.HCl                D) NaOH soln.
iii)       The acidity of Sodium hydroxide is
A) 1                                 B) 2                                C) 3                          D) 4
iv)       Which of the following is not an acid salt:
A) NaHCO3                     B) NaHSO4                    C) Na2SO4                D) NaHSO3
v)         The water of crystallization in hydrated Copper sulphate:
A) 4                                 B) 5                                C) 6                          D) 7
vi)       A volatile salt
A) FeCl3                          B) FeCl2                         C) CuSO4                 D) NaCl
vii)     A complex salt
A) Iron(III) sulphate                                              B) Iron(II) sulphate 
C) Tetra amine copper sulphate                              D) Copper(II) sulphate
viii)   An alkali metal belongs to period 3 in the periodic table.
A) Na                               B) Mg                             C) Ca                        D) Al
ix)       The composition of solder:
A) Pb+Cu                        B) Pb+Sn                       C) Pd+Sn                 D) Zn+Cu
x)         The metal used to galvanize Iron articles.
A) Copper                        B) Zinc                           C) Silver                   D) Mercury

d) Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                                                  5M
i)        ____________(sulphide/carbonate) ores are concentrated by froth floatation method.
ii)      Haematite is an ore of ____________(Aluminium/Iron).
iii)    Nitric acid on heating liberates ______________(NO2/NO).
iv)    _____________ (Hydrochloric/Sulphuric) acid is used in pickling of metals.
v)      FeCl3 is a ___________ (deliquescent/hygroscopic) substance.

e) Calculate the molecular weights of the following compounds.
(H-1, C-12, N-14, O-16, S-32, K-39, Cr-52, Cu-64)                                                                 3M
i)        Sodium hydroxide
ii)      Potassium dichromate
iii)    Copper sulphate
Find the empirical formula of the following compounds.                                                     2M
iv)    Glucose
v)      Ethane
f) Name the following.                                                                                                             5M
i) The non metal which is used in alloying.
ii) The rocky impurities associated with an orre.
iii) A monobasic weak acid.
iv) A strong acid which is drying agent as well as dehydrating agent.
v) An alloy of Copper and Zinc only.
g) Give reason why:                                                                                                                  3M
i)        Alkali metals are highly electropositive.
ii)      Zinc container is used as cathode in dry cells.
iii)    Aluminium is used in packaging.
Complete and balance the following equations:                                                                       2M
iv)    dil. HCl + Mg à
v)      FeSO4 + NaOH à

Section II (40 Marks)
Answer any four of the following questions
Question 2                                                                                                                             3+3+4
a)      Identify the role played by Conc. Sulphuric acid in the following reactions:
i)        3S + 2H2SO4 à 3SO2 + 2H2O
ii)      CuSO4 .5H2O      CuSO4 +5H2O
iii)    C12H22O11   12C + 11H2O
b)      State your observations seen when:
i)        Conc. Sulphuric acid is added to Sugar crystals.
ii)      Dil. Suplhuric acid is added to Barium chloride solution.
iii)    Conc. H2SO4 is added to blue copper sulphate.
c)      i) Name the gas released when Sulphur is treated with  Conc. Sulphuric acid.
ii) Write balanced equation for the conversion of SO2 to SO3 in Contact process with conditions if any.
Give balanced equations for the reactions :
iii) dil.H2SO4 reacts with ZnO
iv) Copper to Copper sulphate using Conc. Sulphuric acid.
Question 3                                                                                                                         3+3+2+2
a)      i) Name the reactants used in the preparation of HNO3 in the laboratory method.
ii) Give balanced  equation for the above preparation and mention the conditions
iii) Mention any one precaution to be taken during above process.
b)      Give reason why :
i) The temperature should be maintained below 2000C in the above process.
ii) Entire apparatus is made of Glass
iii) HNO3 prepared in the laboratory appears yellowish brown.
c)      Give balanced equations for:
i) Reaction between Coc.HNO3 and Carbon
ii) Decomposition of HNO3 on heating.
d)     State the observations seen when Conc. HNO3 is heated with
i) Pb(NO3)2                               ii) Cu(NO3)2
Question 4                                                                                                                             4+4+2
a)      Give reason:
i) In metallurgy, the ores are converted to metal oxides.
ii) Aluminium oxide is reduced by electrolysis but not using reducing agents.
iii) Aluminium powder is used in paints.
iv) Zinc is used in the alloys like Bronze and Brass.
b)      i) State the conditions required for rusting of Iron.
ii) The substance added to the ore to get rid of impuries  is called Matrix/Flux.
iii) In thermite welding Aluminium acts as a/an reducing/oxidizing agent.
iv) Metals lose/gain electrons and form cations.
c)      Give balanced equations for the thermal decomposition of :
i) Lead(II) carbonate                                 ii) Capper (II) carbonate
Question 5                                                                                                                             3+3+4
Answer the following questions regarding the extraction of Aluminium from Bauxite ore.
a) i) State the formula of Bauxite ore.
ii) Which property of Bauxite makes it react with Sodium hydroxide.
iii)The process adding Aluminium hydroxide crystals to dil. Sodium aluminate to precipitate out Al(OH)3 is called seeding/smelting.
b) i) Mention any one difficulty faced during the electrolysis of Alumina.
ii) State the composition of the electrolyte taken the Hall Heroult’s process.
iii) Give one advantage of adding Cryolite to alumina in the above process.
c) i)Give reason why Graphite electrodes are replaced continuously in this process.
ii) What are the precautions to be taken to prevent the heat loss during the process.
iii) Give balanced equation for the electrolytic reaction that takes place at cathode.
iv) Name the products formed at anode other than Oxygen.
Question 6                                                                                                                          4+2+4
a)      i)Calculate the percentage of water in Hydrated Copper sulphate.(H-1, O-16, S-32, Cu-64)
ii) Determine the molecular formula of a compound having percentage composition
C-40%, O-53.3% and H-6.7% and molecular weight is 60.
iii) 200cc of CO is ignited in presence of 150cc of Oxygen. Then find the volume of
Oxygen that remains unused.
b)      Give balanced equations for the following conversion.
Fe à FeCl3 à Fe(OH)3
c)      A set of salts are treated with small amounts of Ammoinium hydroxide then complete the following table.
Cation present in the salt
Pale blue ppt.
Does not form a ppt.

Question 7                                                                                                                         3+3+2+2
a) Give balanced equations for the following conversions:
i) Conc. HNO3 à H2SO4
ii) Conc. H2SO4 à HCl
iii) CuO à CuSO4
b) i) Calculate the percentage of Hydrogen in Sodium hydroxide
ii) Find the molecular weight of the compound whose empirical formula is CH2O and n=2
iii) 2NO + O2 à 2NO2. If all volumes are measured at the same temperature and pressure(STP) then calculate the volume of Oxygen required to produce 20cc of NO2.
c) Identify the insoluble salts in the following reactions.
i) Pb(NO3)2 + 2NaCl à 2NaNO3 + PbCl2
ii) ZnSO4 + (NH4)2CO3 à ZnCO3 + (NH4)2SO4
d) Name the acids used to produce the following salts:
   i) NaCl                     ii) CaSO4
a)      i) Metals are good/poor conductors of electricity.                                                       3+4+3
ii) Non metals are electropositive/electropositive in nature.
iii) Sodium is a soft/hard metal.
b)      Give one use of each of the following:
i) Solder                ii) Bronze                    iii) Duralumin              iv) Aluminium
c) Write the empirical formulas of the following compounds:
i) C4H10                 ii) C2H4O2                          iii) Na2S2O8

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