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Sunday 6 March 2016




Section I (40 Marks)
Answer all the questions
Question 1
a) Choose the correct answers from the list of words given below                                           5M
(Electropositivity, Carboxylic acid, lone pair, Electronegativity, Chemical bonds, decarboxylation)
i)        An Organic compound containing “ - COOH” GROUP.
ii)      The tendency to attract electrons to itself.
iii)    The electron pair which is present in the valence shell and does not participate in covalent bonding.
iv)    The tendency to lose electrons.
v)      Elimination of Carbon dioxide from Carboxylic acid group.

b) Select the correct answers from the words given below:                                                       5M
i)           An element ‘X’belongs to Group 2 of period 3. Then ‘X’ has
A) 3 valence electrons and 2 shells
B) 2 valence electrons and 3 shells
C) 2 valence electrons and 2 shells
D) 1 valence electron and 2 shells
ii)         Ammonium chloride consists of
A)    Covalent and ionic bonds
B)    Ionic bonds only
C)    Covalent , ionic and coordinate covalent bonds
D)    Covalent and coordinate covalent bonds
iii)       Which of the following compound is not suitable for the preparation Ammonia by heating with an alkali?
A)    Ammonium sulphate
B)    Ammonium chloride
C)    Ammonium nitrate
D)    Ammonium sulphate and Ammonium chloride

iv)       Which of the following statement is not correct regarding electrolysis process:
A)    Cations get discharged at cathode
B)    Anions get oxidized at anode
C)    Metal deposits at anode
D)    Inert electrodes do not participate in electrolytic reaction.
v)         Aqua regia is a mixture of
A)    1 volume of Conc. HCl and 3 volumes of Conc. HNO3
B)    3 volume of Conc. HCl and 1 volumes of Conc. HNO3
C)    1 volume of Conc. HCl and 1 volumes of Conc. HNO3
D)    1 volume of Conc. HCl and 3 volumes of Conc. H2SO4

c) Name the following.                                                                                                               5M
i)        The gas which gives white dense fumes with Ammonia gas.
ii)      The element with highest electronegativity.
iii)    The electrolyte used in the electroplating with Silver metal.
iv)    The bond formed by sharing of electrons.
v)      The common name for the Hydrocarbons with general formula CnH2n.

d) i) 40 lit. of Hydrogen is burnt in presence of 25 lit. of Chlorine gas.                                    2M
                  H2  + Cl2  à  2HCl
         Find     A) The volume of Hydrogen gas unused.
                     B) The volume of HCl produced.
ii) CaCO3  à CaO + CO2
Given equation shows the thermal decomposition of Calcium carbonate.
A)    Calculate the mass of CaO and CO2 released when 10g of CaCO3 is heated.
B)    How much CaCO3 is required to produce 2.8g of Calcium oxide.
(At. Wt. Ca-40, C-12, O-16)
e) Distinguish the following pairs of compounds using the reagent given in the brackets.      5M
i) ZnSO4 and PbSO4                            (NH4OH)
ii) Dilute. HCl and dil.H2SO4       (AgNO3 solution)
iii) FeCl3 and CuSO4                           (NaOH solution)
iv) Na2CO3 and Na2SO3               (dil. HCl and acidified KMnO4)
v) Ethylene and Ethane                (Bromine solution)
f) Correct and rewrite the following statements.                                                                      5M
i)        Metallic character decreases with the tendency to lose electrons.
ii)      Ammonia gas is released when metal nitrides are treated with water.
iii)    Hydrochloric acid is prepared in the laboratory by passing Hydrogen chloride directly through water.
iv)    An ionic compound contains ions and molecules.
v)      Alkanes are highly reactive than Alkenes.

g) Give reason why:
i) Ionisation potential decreases down a group.
ii) Ionic compounds have high boiling point and melting point.
iii) Dilute H2SO4 is preferred dil. HNO3 to dilute water before its electrolysis.
iv) Alkanes do not undergo addition reactions.
v) In the catalytic oxidation of Ammonia gas, Platinum metal continues to glow even after
     heating is discontinued.

h) State your observations when:
i) Dry Ammonia gas is burnt in the atmosphere of Oxygen.
ii)  Conc. HCl is heated with MnO.
iii) During the electrolysis of Copper sulphate solution using inert electrodes.
iv) Acetylene is treated with Ammoniacal Cupric chloride solution.
v) Ammonia gas is mixed with excess Chlorine gas.
Section II (40 Marks)
Answer any four of the following questions
Question 2                                                                                                                      (3+3+2+2)
a)      M is an active metal. Its oxide has the formula M2O.
i)     What would be the valency of that metal?
ii)   Write the formula of its hydroxide.
iii)    State the group number it belongs to.
b)      X, Y and Z are the elements with the atomic numbers 8,9 and 10 respectively. Then
i)        Write the electronic configuration of the element Y.
ii)      Identify the halogen among them.
iii)    Which of them has the highest ionization potential value?
c)      i) Atomic radius ___________decreases/ increases across a period.
ii) An element has atomic number 5. Then it is a __________ metal/nonmetal/metalloid.
d)     Arrange the following elements according to the description given in brackets:
i)        Na, Li, K, Cs (decreasing order of atomic radius)
ii)      O,C, B, F (increasing order of Electronegativity)
Question 3                                                                                                                      (3+3+2+2)
a)      i) Electrovalent compounds are in ____________ (polar/non polar) solvents.
ii) A molecule of __________ (Ammonia/Nitrogen) contains a triple bond.
iii) Lower I.P values of metallic atoms favours the formation of _________ (anion/cation).
b)      State the nature of the following compounds in terms of electrovalent/ covalent.
i) HCl              ii) NaCl                       iii) CaO
c)      Draw electron dot structure of :
i) Hydronium ion                    ii) Ammonia molecule
d)     i) Give reason why HCl dissolves in water but does not in CCl4.
ii) State the covalency of Carbon.
Question 4                                                                                                                      (3+2+2+3)
a)      i) Which property of HCl gas is proven using fountain experiment?
ii) Conc. HCl is oxidized to liberate ________ (Chlorine/Hydrogen) gas by an oxidizing agent.
iii) Write balanced equation for the preparation of HCl gas in the laboratory method, with conditions required.
b)      Name the gases released when dil. HCl is treated with :
i) Na2CO3                          ii) FeS
c)      State your observations seen when dil. HCl is added to:
i) CuS              ii) Lead nitrate
d)   i) Write balanced equation for the reaction between dil.HCl and Na2S2O3.
ii) What is the significance of Aqua regia?
iii) State the importance of special funnel arrangement in the preparation of Hydrochloric acid.
Question 5                                                                                                                      (2+2+2+4)
a)      i)Write the balanced equation for the preparation of Ammonia in laboratory method.
ii) Name the catalyst used in Haber’s process.
b)      State the observations seen when:
i) Ammonia gas is passed over heated Copper oxide.
ii) Red litmus solution enters the round bottom flask filled with Ammonia gas in fountain experiment.
c)      i) Name the acidic gas that reacts with excess Ammonia gas to produce Ammonium chloride and Nitrogen gas.
ii) Mention any one chemical test of Ammonia gas.
i)        Name the catalyst ‘X’.
ii)      State the observation seen the round bottom flask.
iii)    Identify the gas formed in the round bottom flask.
iv)    What is the required temperature for this reaction to take place?
Question 6                                                                                                                        (4+4+2)
a)      i) Oxidation takes place at ___________ (anode/cathode) during an electrolysis process.
ii) Name the electrolyte and the anode used during the electroplating of an article with Nickel.
iii) Differentiate between anode and cathode.
b)      Answer the following questions pertaining to the electrolysis of fused Lead bromide.
i)        Name the gas released at anode.
ii)      State one appropriate observation during the process.
iii)    Graphite is preferred as anode in this process.
iv)    Write balanced equation for the reaction at cathode.
c)      i) Give reason why direct current should be passed through the electrolyte during electrolysis.
ii) Name the anode taken in the electro-refining of Copper metal.

Question 7                                                                                                                  (2+2+2+2+2)
a)      Name the following organic compounds.
i)                                                                                                                    ii)

b)      i) Draw the branched structures of:
i) Propanoic acid                                 ii) 2-Butanol
c)      Write balance equations for the preparation of:
i)     Ethene by dehydration of Ethyl bromide
ii)   Ethyl ethanoate by Esterification.
d)     i) Name the gas released when Calcium carbide is treated with cold water.
ii) Which type of isomerism is shown by 1-Butene and 2-Butene.
e)      i) Name the product formed in the third step of substitution reaction of Methane with Chlorine.
ii) Mention one any one use of Ethylene.

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