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Sunday 6 March 2016



Section I (40 Marks)
Answer all the questions
Question 1
a) Name the following.                                                                                                                  5M
i) The type of bond formed between Nitrogen and Hydrogen in Ammonia molecule.
ii) A strong dibasic acid.
iii) The gas released when Ammonium salts are heated with alkali.
iv) The explosive liquid formed when ammonia reacts with excess Chlorine gas.
v) The metallic sulphide which gives a blue filtrate with dil. HCl.

b)   Match the following.                Example-   vi-D                                                                      5M

i)   Burning of dry Ammonia in the
        atmosphere of Oxygen
ii)  Heating Conc. HCl with MnO2
iii) Sulphur dioxide
iv) Nitrogen dioxide
v)  Hydrogen sulphide
vi) Ammonia

A) Greenish yellow gas
B) Reddish brown gas
C) Decolourises acidified KMnO4
D) Turns moist red litmus to blue
E) Greenish yellow flame
F) Rotten egg smell
G) Sulphuric acid

c) Choose the correct option from A, B, C and D for each of the following statements.          10M
i)           Covalent compounds have :
A)    High boiling point and High melting point
B)    Low boiling point and High melting point
C)    Low boiling point and Low melting point
D)    High boiling point and Low melting point
ii)         The basicity of Acetic acid
A)    1                                B) 2                                C) 3                          D) 4
iii)       Which of the following statements is not appropriate pertaining to acids
A) Acid produces Hydronium ions as the only positively charged ions in its solution
B) Acid produces Hydrogen gas with an active metal
C) Acids react with salts to produce alkalis
D) Acids turn moist blue litmus to red

iv)       Which one among the following has four single covalent bonds?
A) CO2                            B) H2O                           C) HCl                     D) CH4
v)         Which one of the following is not a base?
A) Na2O                          B) HCl                           C) Ca(OH)2              D) NH3
vi)       The base which gives a blue filtrate with dil. H2SO4
A) CuO                             B) CaO                           C) KOH                   D) ZnO
vii)     The drying agent used to purify HCl gas is:
A) Conc.H2SO4               B) P2O5                          C) CaO                     D) CaCl2
viii)   The suitable temperature for the thermal dissociation of HCl gas :
A) < 5000C                      B) > 5000C                     C) > 2000C               D) 4500C- 5000C
ix)       The catalyst used in the preparation of Ammonia in Haber’s process:
A) Iron                             B) Platinum                    C) Silver                   D) Nickel
x)         The solution which turns to brown on passage of Ammonia gas through it:
A) BaCl2                          B) AgNO3                     
C) Nesseler’s reagent       D) Ammonium hydroxide

d) Fill in the blanks:-                                                                                                                     5M
i)        An electrovalent bond is formed by the transfer of electrons from ______________ to ____________ element.(electronegative/electropositive).
ii)      _____________ (Ammonia/Hydrogen chloride) gas is released when Magnesium nitride is treated with warm water.
iii)    A diacidic base can produce two ___________ (Hydronium/Hydroxyl) ions per molecule.
iv)    _____________(FeCl2/FeCl3) is formed when Iron reacts with HCl gas.
v)      Sulphur reacts with Conc. ____________(HCl/HNO3) to give Sulphuric acid.

e) State your observations when:                                                                                                  5M
i) Potassium iodide paper is exposed to Nitrogen dioxide gas.
ii) Sodium sulphide reacts with dil. HCl.
iii) Dilute HCl is treated with AgNO3 solution.
iv) Ammonium hydroxide is added to Copper sulphate solution in small amounts then in
v) A glass rod dipped in conc. HCl is exposed to Ammonia gas.

f) Name the gases released in the following reactions.                                                                 5M
i) Ammonia gas is heated with Oxygen in presence of Platinum as a catalyst.
ii) Chlorine gas reacts with excess Ammonia gas.
iii) An active metal is treated with dil. Hydrochloric acid.
iv) Ammonia gas passed over heated  Copper oxide.
v) Conc. HCl is heated with MnO2.

g) Select a suitable word from the list given in brackets for each of the following statements.   5M
( Reducing agent, Covalent bond, Basicity the acid, alkaline nature, Hydroxyl ion, Hydronium ions)
i)     The type of bond formed between two identical atoms.
ii)   The number of Hydronium ions produced per molecule of an acid in its aq. solution.
iii) The ions responsible for the alkaline nature of the alkalis.
iv)  The property shown by Ammonia gas when it reacts with CuO to give Copper metal.
v)   Due to this nature of CaO, it is not used in drying HCl gas.

Section II (40 Marks)
Answer any four of the following questions
Question 2                                                                                                                         4+2+2+2
a)      Draw the electron structures of the following molecules
i)        N2                              iii)O2
ii)      CH4                            iv) H2O

b)      Differentiate between Polar covalent compounds and Non polar covalent compounds.
c)      i) Electrovalent/Covalent compounds are good conductors of electricity.
ii) Electrovalent compounds contain ___________(molecules only/ions and molecules/ ions only).
d) Classify the following as Oxidation/Reduction
i)  Na – e- à Na +
ii)   O + 2e- à O2-

Question 3                                                                                                                             4+3+3
a)      Name the following.
i)        The positively charged ion produced when an acid is dissolved in water.
ii)      The acid used in eye wash.
iii)    A non volatile acid which displaces a volatile acid from its salt.
iv)    The non-metallic oxide which produces Sulphuric acid with water.

b)      Write balanced equations for the following conversions.
i)        Na2O -->  NaOH
ii)      P2O5 --> H3PO4
iii)    Pb(NO3)2  --> PbO

c)      i) A strong acid undergoes complete/partial dissociation to give a high concentration of Hydronium ions.
ii) ___________ (MgO/Mg(OH)2) is used as an antacid.
iii) Acidity of Calcium hydroxide is ______(1/2).

Question 4                                                                                                                             4+2+4
a)      Answer the followingquestions pertaining to the laboratory preparation of  HCl gas.
i)           Nature gas is prepared in this method?
ii)         Name the reactants taken in the Round bottom flask.
iii)       What is the importance of the liquid ‘X’ in this process?
b)      Give reason
i)     Conc. Nitric acid is not preferred to conc. H2SO4 in the laboratory preparation of HCl gas.
ii)   Special funnel arrangement is used to prepare Hydrochloric acid.

c)      i) Write balanced equation for the preparation of Hydrogen chloride gas in laboratory.
ii) Name the gas released when dil. HCl reacts with Sodium thio sulphate
iii) State the required condition for the following reaction.
H2 + Cl2 --> 2HCl
iv)  Which property of HCl gas is proved by fountain experiment?

Question 5                                                                                                                         4+2+2+2
Answer the following questions regarding the laboratory preparation of Ammonia gas
from Ammonium salt and alkali
a) i) Name the reactants taken in the preparation.
ii) Which method is used to collect Ammonia gas?
iii)State the identification test for Ammonia gas.
b) Give reason why:
i)  Round bottom flask is kept in inclined position.
ii) Conc.H2SO4 is not used to dry Ammonia gas.

c) Write the balanced equation for Ammonia gas in Haber’s process . State the catalyst and
conditions required.
d) State your observation when:
i) Dry Ammonia gas burns in the atmosphere of Oxygen
ii) Ammonia gas is passed through Nesseler’s reagent.

Question 6                                                                                                                             5+3+2
a) i) Write the balanced equation for the oxidation of  Sulphur dioxide in contact process
with conditions required.
ii) Name the acid formed when the product obtained in the above reaction is absorbed in
Conc. H2SO4
iii) Name the gas released when Conc.H2SO4 reacts with Copper metal.
b)  i) Give reason why Sulphuric acid can form to types of salts.
ii) State your observation when Conc. Sulphuric acid is added to blue hydrated copper sulphate.

c) State the role of Sulphuric acid in the following reeactions
i) NaNO3 + Conc. H2SO4 --> HNO3 + NaHSO4
ii) S + Conc. 2H2SO4  -->  3 SO2 + 2H2O
iii) C6H12O6   -->   6C + 6H2O
iv) dil. H2SO4 + 2NaOH --> Na2SO4 + 2H2O

Question7                                                                                                                           4+4+2
a)      Distinguish the following pairs of compounds.
i) dil. HCl and dil. H2SO4 (using BaCl2 solotuion)
ii) CuSO4 and ZnSO4 (using NH4OH sol.)
iii) CO2 and H2S (using acidified KMnO4)

b)      i) Name one acid salt of Sulphuric acid
ii) State the composition of Aqua regia and its importance.
iii) Write the balanced equation for the reduction of Lead oxide using Ammonia gas.

c)      Correct and rewrite the following statements.
i) Sulphuric acid is a strong oxidizing agent.
ii) dil. HCl reacts with metal sulphites to give Hydrogen sulphide gas.
iii) Ammonia gas dissolved in water is called liquid ammonia.
iv) Hydrogen gas turns alkaline Pyrogallol  to brown.

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